Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What a merciful Savior!

I was raised by parents who knew there was a God, but I don't know that they really knew Him (they do now, praise God!) I repented and accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was 21. I had a lot of pain and confusion in my life and I turned to Him. I prayed and read the Bible, but never joined a church or other Christians.

When I moved to Springield in 1994, I was introduced to spiritism and the New Age Movement. Unfortunately, since I had not read the Bible enough, I was sucked into it. To keep things short, some scary things happened. These people incorporate Jesus and God in everything they do. It is very easy to be deceived if you are not firmly grounded in the Bible. I was. Praise God, He pulled me out of all of it! As I read and continued to search for a closer relationship to God (which was ultimately what I was searching for anyway), He showed me that the things I was doing was not ok with Him and in fact, He hated it.

I give all praise and Glory to God because on Easter of 2001, Jesus found me and I surrendered my life to Him. That day I truly realized how much He hated my sin and that I needed to repent. With tearful pleas I begged His forgiveness and asked Him to lead me in His will. It has been a long road and I still have so much to learn about Him. I know this learning process will take the rest of my life, however long He allows me to be on this earth.

If there is anything to be learned from my story, it is to please, please read your Bible. You must be firmly grounded in His word to not be deceived. We love Him because He first loved us. Repent and have complete faith in Jesus Christ for your salvation. He is the only One that can see you to heaven and everlasting life with Him...what a blessing! What a merciful Savior!

God bless each and every one of you.

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