Thursday, April 17, 2008

His grace is sufficient for me

I have been living with guilt my whole life. You see, many times in the church you do not hear about this struggle. It is the struggle of being a Christian with a desire. I have tried to hide it all my life, but am to the point where I do not anymore. I am no different from any other addict. My drug of choice is same-sex relationships. Even though I know my Heavenly Father keeps me in His care because I have a heart for Him, sometimes the desire is so strong it is difficult for ME to handle. I allow God to work His will in my life. Being the "taboo" sin in the church, we tend to ignore it thinking it is not there or it will just go away on its own. I hurt everyday. I pray everyday. I am making progress by being proactive in learning all I can about what brought me to this desire that is in conflict with God's Word. I have begged God to release me from this passion, but realize that "His grace is sufficient for me." It is so hard for other people to understand if they have never felt these feelings. I love God and I love His church. One day when I take my last breath, I know I will experience freedom at last!! I would like to say God has healed me, but He has not. I only trust Him that He knows what He is doing, and I know He has a purpose for my life.

1 comment:

ssbg said...

Hang in there! Similar struggle, God provided a way out...painful healing process, but God led and gave strength when felt like was holding on by a thread. He had proven Himself faithful in the past, and though could not see how He could possibly help, trusted that He could and would and He did!
Peace to you. :)